Celine Dion
Селин Мари Клодетт Дион - канадская певица, ставшая звездой еще в подростковом возрасте. Исполнительница поет как на родном французском, так и на английском языках. Считается, что Дион – самый успешный франкоговорящий музыкант, а альбом Дион D’eux является самым продаваемым диском в мире среди всех неанглоязычных студийных записей.
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All The Way
When somebody loves you
It's no good unless he loves you - all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you - all the way
Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes - if its real
When somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in between years - come what way
Who know where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you - all the way, all the way
When somebody loves you
It's no good unless he loves you - all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you - all the way
Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes - if its real
When somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in between years - come what way
Who know where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you - all the way, all the way
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